Friday, October 31, 2008

giraffe dilemma

A little while ago my neighbor went to China for six weeks and left me in charge of watering her plants. Those leafy friends survived and as a sweet thank you she bought me back some bits and pieces she thought I might like to use in my work, amongst them a bag of teeny painted wooden giraffes like this...

Oh no! I'm sorry Mr Giraffe, but your not totally my style. Yikes! What's a crafter to do? Well, they hung around for a while, I picked them up and put them back down, pondered their possibilities. I started painting over them, but without much success. Then in a stroke of freaking genius Thistler suggested covering them with paper. Flip!! Why didn't I think of this? I've covered so many things in paper already. Old tins, dodgy diary covers, cardboard boxes...

So I covered 'em, and covered 'em good. I used paper from a pack of offcuts we got here a few months ago. I was going to turn them into brooches, but they don't sit so well when pinned (a bit unbalanced) so now I'm thinking fridge magnets...


Betty Jo said...

You have certainly given them the "Made by Maude" touch. Lovely!

Lauren said...

Oh...I like! What a shame they don't sit as brooches

made by maude said...

Hey betty jo, thanks!

Lauren - Your work came to mind when I pulled that paper out to use!