Big shout out to my nephew (
who likes to be referred to as X) whose parcel I've just received in the mail. It came covered in sweet little dog stickers and included great little gifts of chalk, Malaysian money and a nifty little rock. Thank you Mr X, you made my day!
xox k
I am glad you liked the special present. I like writing to people. I wish you were coming back now.
hey Karine, here is a link to some singapore art stuffs:
k thanks.
hey X. See you in December.
Hi X,
Did you guys ever get the other letters I posted or did they get lost in the mail? I like writing to people too so I'll send your next letter very soon! You know, it's only five months till we get back, and that will go so quickly!! xxk
No we didn't get it but we got the you stink post card. HEY I MADE A BLOG AND IT'S GOT LINKS TO YOUR BLOG.
Um!!! COOL!!! your coming over soon.
Ummmmmm!!! That's it. Uhhhhhhhhhh!!!
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